Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Freeze update....

Well, we did get a pretty heavy freeze with a dusting of snow. You want the good news first? The onions, peas, lettuce, spinach, and garlic took it like champs! The strawberries don't even show any sign of frost damage, either.

Now....the bad news, the lovely potato vines all died back to the ground and the fruit trees took a bit of a hit. I understand that the potatoes will be fine..they'll send up new vines and recover nicely...so it's just a matter of waiting. The fruit trees, while they ARE damaged, seem to have only lost some leaves. The blooms had already fallen off, so maybe the fruit will still be fine? Not sure on this one...time will tell. My biggest worry (even though it doesn't give us any food) is my Japanese Maple. It had leaved out and was gorgeous...breathtaking, really...and every leaf is now sadly crumpled and black. Anyone know how Japanese Maples recover from a freeze? /begs for encouraging stories/ I do hope she'll put out new leaves...


The Hills said...

Don't know about the maple, but I do know we got down to 28 a few weeks ago, after potatoes had sprouted and peaches had bloomed---both recovered just fine.

HermitJim said...

I'm thinking the maple will do just fine. Mother Nature does strange things, but seems to take care of most of her own.

Good luck!